New England Evangelism Strategy
New England Evangelism Strategy Introduction: 2018-2020
New England is one of the least churched regions of America. And yet, historically New England is the birthplace of revival, awakening, mission, and justice movements that have blessed the entire world. What would happen if every believer in New England led one person to Christ in the next two years? The reputation of our region and the course of our nation would be radically changed if the church would unite to share the love of Jesus Christ with our neighbors and friends.
We sense that God is doing something special in New England leading up to the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing in 2020, and following on years of prayer and growing in a sense of unity as the Body of Christ.
We sense that we are in a season of God's Favor—a thaw has come to our region and there is need for concerted, bold action from the Body of Christ.
We all want to see God move in wide-spread revival and awakening in New England, affecting every sphere of society.
With God's blessing, a simple, sustained and multi-faceted effort of Evangelism starting in the fall of 2018 through the 400th Anniversary in 2020 could help turn the tide.
A Multi-Faceted focus on Evangelism
We envision a decentralized and multi-faceted explosion of evangelism and gospel proclamation. We want to encourage a focus on evangelism, proclamation, church planting and discipleship, and missions and evangelism training throughout our region however the Lord leads you.
Major events with nationally known evangelists
Prayer Support through existing prayer networks
Gospel Conversations strategy
Equipping events for Evangelism
College and high school outreach and bible clubs
Evangelism Conferences, trainings, schools
Preaching on Evangelism and Discipleship from every pulpit
Street, door to door, friendship, power evangelism, etc.
Discipleship, Build Intl discipleship groups, E3Partners methodology, etc.
Alpha NE
A United Church Planting Track--a NE Cohort focused on church planting, discipleship, etc
Regional Festival Style Evangelistic Events