10 Days Northfield | Restore & Revive 2018
It’s a privilege to announce Restore and Revive 2018 at the Northfield Campus (Sept 20 evening-23 evening). R&R will be preceded by 10 Days of Prayer at Northfield and in many locations around the region from Sept 9-19.
Last year’s Restore and Revive gathering surprised and delighted all those who attended, exceeding our wildest dreams. Seeing the Moody Auditorium filled nearly to capacity with passionate worshippers was absolutely incredible, and that wasn’t even the best part. There was such a sweet spirit of unity and freedom. Many professed faith in Christ for the first time, and there was a major focus on evangelism in the main sessions. On the drive home, people began sharing their faith and people made professions of faith in Jesus Christ in restaurants and even outside of Jonathan Edward’s church in Northampton.
As many described it, Restore and Revive was a taste of Heaven on earth. In the 1880’s and 90’s, Moody’s contemporaries described Northfield as “Heaven on Earth”. The fact that that is once again being said again after all these years is nothing short of a miracle and is a sign of what God is doing in New England. We are beginning to see a significant move of God to both Restore and Revive the church of New England before our eyes!

Northfield Student Conference
Cost: $250/student or $200/student if registering as a group of 3 or more.
Register Here
(Registration Opens May 1)
Open to Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Before He ascended, Jesus left His disciples with this mandate: “Go into all the world and make disciples of all peoples…” Nearly 2,000 years later, that mandate remains unfulfilled, with an estimated 3.1 billion people in 4,500 people groups on earth who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. As followers of Jesus Christ, we all have a role to play in seeing Jesus’ Commission fulfilled.
In 1886, 251 young men gathered for the first Northfield Student Conference. At the end of the conference, God had supernaturally broken in. 100 of the students committed themselves to world missions and what became known as the Student Volunteer Missions Movement was born. In a generation, this movement sent 20,000 missionaries overseas. Their watchword, “the evangelization of the world in this generation”, was a cry to fulfill the Great Commission in their lifetimes.
We believe it is time to finish what the Volunteers began, to raise up a new movement of college-students who will give up their lives to see the Lamb of God receive the reward of His suffering. Building on the legacy of the past, we see on the horizon a new Student Mission Movement to bring to completion what our forebearers began.