

New England Alliance Convening Team

Roberto Miranda (MA), Gregg Healey (CT), Dick Kiernan (NH), Mamdouh Riad (MA), Ralph Gerlach (VT), Jonathan Friz (MA), John Eckhardt (ME),  David Rosen (VT), Rick McKinniss (CT), Josiah Armstrong (NH),  


 Dr. Roberto Miranda (MA)

is the co-founder of Congregación León de Judá, one of Boston’s largest churches, widely known for its very diverse composition and impacting social ministries.  He is a nationally known religious leader and is very active in seeking to bring unity and spiritual renewal among churches from all denominations in the New England area. He is a co-founder of the New England Alliance and also the founder and past president of the Fellowship of Latino Pastors of New England (COPAHNI), an umbrella organization serving over 70 Latino churches from different denominations in the New England area. He has preached in many countries in Europe and Latin America. Dr. Miranda is married to Pastora Mercedes Lopez de Miranda. They have two daughters, Sonia and Abigail.


Gregg Healey (CT)

is father of three and lovingly married to Bridgette. Residing in Wilton, CT and Eastham, MA, he is a John 17 unity catalyst (Impact Connecticut and the New England Alliance), marketplace minister (newbreed.co), intercessor (CT Capitol Prayer Network), spiritual father, member of St. Paul Westport, and partner at National Hall Capital. Gregg’s interests lie in: advancing the Kingdom of God, revival in the United States, Ezra 9 repentance, 7 mountain reformation, kitesurfing, car racing, good friends and great feasts.


Dick Kiernan (NH)

works full time with Alpha NE and moonlights as the coordinator of the NH Alliance and has been involved in the NH prayer movement for 25 years.  As the token Catholic among the Evangelical brethren, he is passionate for John 17 unity “so the world may know” and constantly advocates unity is an essential ingredient for our outreach mission to NE.  He is the father of five mostly grown children and lives in Bedford, NH.


Dr. Mamdouh Riad (MA)

is a local physician who has been on Cape Cod for 25 years. He grew up in Cairo, Egypt, where he and his wife Cynthia were part of a thriving church, that saw 500 people come to Christ annually. The church grew from a few hundred people to 8,000 in a few short years. In 2004, the Lord stirred him to talk to pastors and leaders across the Cape about united prayer for revival, the ministry that has now become known as The Glory of God on Cape Cod. For more info go to www.thegloryofgodoncapecod.com. Dr. Riad and Cynthia have three daughters in their mid twenties.


Ralph Gerlach (VT)

is a Kingdom entrepreneur with an apostolic call to the marketplace and a message of personal and corporate transformation for the Body of Christ throughout Canada, USA, and beyond. Ralph believes that “God’s Kingdom advances at the speed of relationships”.  He loves to facilitate Christian unity across denomination lines to accomplish greater advancement.  Ralph overseas a church, facilitates a large monthly pastors and leaders meeting and leads (along with his wife Sharon) an apostolic council in the State of Vermont. Ralph and Sharon divide their time between their homes and families in Southern Ontario and Central Vermont.


Jonathan Friz (MA)

is driven by a desire to see Jesus receive the answer to His prayer in John 17, “Let them be one as we are one.”  He’s the visionary of the 10 Days movement, seeking to draw city-wide churches around the world into annual seasons of encountering the living God and loving one another.  He serves the New England Alliance as a coordinator.  He and his wife Cassi are blessed with six incredible children.

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John Eckhardt (ME)

John is a happy husband, father and grandpa. His wife Linda is happy, too…and his kids like him. He is a successful entrepreneur and continues to pioneer in the fields of business, higher education and ministry. Dr. Eckhardt is devoted to seeing this generation fulfill the call to leadership. Whether that leadership is expressed in business, family, ministry or government the principles to achieve maximum personal growth and impact remain the same.

John’s Mission is simple: Building leaders. He travels extensively challenging emerging and transitioning leaders in both private and public sectors to discover and maximize their strengths. No fooling around. His formula for advancement is simple: pioneer – chisel – celebrate – launch.

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David Rosen (VT)

David Rosen is the Founder of the Life Center, which is a Healing and Training Center in Williston, Vermont. David carries a unique blend of hunger and passion for the kingdom of God, a Jewish heritage and Mohawk adoption. David has ministered in many nations in the US, Canada, Africa, Albania, Ukraine, Cyprus, Israel, UK and First Nations people groups. He holds a degree as a Registered Nurse and is an entrepreneur and owner along with his wife Terri of Griswold Home Care of Northern Vermont, Cumberland County, PA and Blair County, PA with a mission to honor our seniors in the land and allow them to age in place with dignity in their own homes.

David currently lives in Central PA with Terri and their 10 year old son Josiah and is in the process of also planting a One New Man Messianic expression called the Shalom Center in the Camp Hill region of PA.

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Rick McKinniss (CT)

Pastor Rick has served Wellspring Church as senior pastor since 1986. He has two theological degrees from Bethel Seminary in Minnesota, where he also taught as an adjunct professor in preaching. In recent years he has been involved in the emerging global prayer movement as a partner in InterPrayer, an international ministry fellowship of prayer leaders from several nations.

During that same time he has been used by God to call pastors and churches together for persevering revival prayer and for Kingdom breakthrough in Connecticut. He is passionate about seeing heaven-sent revival come to New England once again in his lifetime. Pastor Rick and Debbie have been married over 39 years and have five children (one by marriage) and four grandchildren (Eli, Hannah, Ezra, and Jonah). Debbie is the leader in Bethesda, the healing prayer ministry of Wellspring. Pastor Rick is an amateur decoy woodcarver and an avid supporter of Ohio State football, the Cincinnati Reds (he grew up in southern Ohio and has never recovered) and UCONN basketball.


Josiah Armstrong (NH)

After coming to the Lord through a power encounter alone in his bedroom in 1999, he joined the New England based ministry Youthstorm. Youthstorm was committed to uniting, equipping, & mobilizing the Body of Christ, raising up the next generation, and contending for revival & awakening in New England and beyond. It was through Youthstorm that Josiah was introduced to the prayer movement & budding unity in New England.

Today, He serves on the Senior Leadership Team of The Crossing Life Church, a church plant of Youthstorm, in Windham NH.  He and his wife Crystal serve on the Apostolic team of Life Alliance, a global family of churches and ministries partnered in the Great Commission.

He serves on various boards and convening teams such as the NH Alliance & New England Alliance that are committed to revival, awakening, and social transformation, through the unity and partnership of the Body of Christ. He spearheads collaboration with Churches & ministries in the greater-Salem area. 

Josiah is also the founder of Forerunner Fitness, a holistic coaching and training ministry, & The School Of Warrior Arts, a faith-based martial arts program.  They live in Manchester, NH with their Five children.

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