10 Days and 40 Days of Love Begin Sunday Night
Register for Restore and Revive!
10 Days Begins
Sunday evening marks the beginning of 10 Days and the 40 Days of Love. There are 18 locations around New England that are organizing 10 Days or a 40 Days of Love including 10 in Connecticut (wow CT). You can take a look at the map here.
Most Christians willingly acknowledge how we need God and need prayer. But have you ever experienced what happens when you enter into a season where prayer is the very air you breathe and God's love is all around? That's what happens during 10 Days. As an individual, it's a life-changing experience. For a community, it's transformative. And we've repeatedly seen the impact our concerted prayers can have on national and international situations.
Now is not the time for church as normal. It's time to seek the Lord like never before. Whether or not there is a 10 Days happening near you, we invite you to enter into a set-apart season of fasting, repentance, and prayer starting the night of September 9.
We are going to seek the Lord--won't you join us?
Restore and Revive: Sept 20-23
At the conclusion of 10 Days, join us in Northfield for Restore and Revive!
Thursday Night: Randy Clark (Free)
Friday: Chuck Pierce, Clive Calver, Grant Berry
Saturday: "Activate the Dream" Reconciling the Body across Racial and Ethnic Lines
Sunday: "NE Evangelism Equipping and Launch"
Our final numbers for food and housing need to be submitted by Friday, September 13, so register today to assure your spot on campus (and your meal)! You can see other housing options at www.newenglandalliance.net
Main Session speakers this year include: Randy Clark, Chuck Pierce, Clive Calver, Grant Berry, Paul Jehle, Jonathan Thomas, Curtis Sargeant, Seong Hyun Park with numerous workshops as well.
For Schedule, Registration, and more information please visit www.newenglandalliance.net
Register here for Restore and Revive and 10 Days in Northfield
For questions, please contact Janea at neallianceinfo@gmail.com
Can these bones live? Watch the new R&R Video!